Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Maybe this is the cause

After thinking what is the cause of this attitude towards girls somebody told me this:-

"In India we do not let girls and boys grow together. From the childhood, we develop a sense in them that boys and girls can not be friends and should not share their feelings with each other. This barrier leads to the curiosity and anger in boys to tease girls"

Well, I agree with it somewhat. I have one girlfriend from 10 years of age who is now my sweetheart. But we shared our deepest feelings and problems when we were just friends. Maybe this understanding of girls is the cause I don't tease girls.

But people just don't tease girls playfully. What they do is violent. Its no playful friendly taunt. So, after all I think that its not the chief cause. Those who are bad at heart will use any excuse to theirr favour. No reason to support them. What do you say?

Is Bollywood responsible in India

Of course. If not totally, it still is a major cause for this social evil. I have seen many many films in which it is shown that the hero nags and nags the heroine still she says yes. This may be possibe and fair in films but it leads to a bad mentality in teenagers and the young. After all India eats, bresths and sleeps BOLLYWOOD.
And it is shown to be a funny thing in Films. A hero's partner passes comments at girls to make fun. See, DDLJ in which SRK nags and nags Kajol in every way possible. And the first scence showing a women wear to Kajol at first meetng is by no means decent. Also see PARTNER in which the duty of Salman is to flirt with girls. And these increasing crime scenes in films are not helping either. I like SRK and DDLJ but not those parts. Can't bollywood sacrifice a bit for sake of a better society?

Polce, the dark side

We all say that police should take action against eve teasing. They are responsible for keeping laws. But what happens when police turns bad. Well, police is mostly bad. But what happened in Kolkata recently is inhuman.

At night a 12 year old girl was moving on the road. Two policemen in uniform stopped by her on a police jeep. They asked her to come inside. When she got inside the assulted her in every possible way. She was kept at gunpoint so that she does not shout. It was her sheer luck that some people noticed it and ultimately those police got caught. This incident has again raised the question "Are police dependable?". What can be dome if the saviour of law does such thing. And that too with a 12 Year old. These people are inhuman.

They has been suspended. But is this enough. Who takes responsibility of the life of the girl who will have have to face the taunts of neighbours all long her life? Maybe she will have big problems in marraige also? Are you listening?

The police takes action

This is a story kept under cover. I am not telling the exact location as that may lead me into trouble. On May 2nd a eve teasing case occured here. The girl was molested and harassed. She told his brother and he came with his gang and beat the hell out of the teasers. There was a big fight and 5 were hospitalized. But the surprise is that the police took the side of the girl and let his brother's gang beat the hell out of the teasers in front of the police. They did not interfere. Maybe this was not right in legal sense. But my view is that they did the right thing. If they had interfered those teasers would have been jailed for a day and then released without any punishment due to interference of corrupt higher authorities. Sometimes it is needed to let the public do the justice. After this incident I hope eve teasers will think twice before teasing a girl again.

Rediff Protests against Eve Teasing

On 19 Fer in Mumbai leading online Indian portal launched a microsite, an interactive platform that allows users to participate and lend their support for the cause of open spaces and eve teasing, by sending e-mails.

Full story at

Saturday, May 3, 2008

What the governing bodies are doing?

To prevent any crime the support of the governing body is needed at first. But the fact is that they don't take it as importantly. Well they show that they are sooooooo concerned but they are not. Only in the face of votes the party leaders become active to show that they are against these things. The opposing party leaders are busy chalking out how many incidents took place and the rulers are busy giving list of what they have done to prevent eve teasing. But no one looks into the actual problem and no severe steps are taken to prevent it.
Even it is a bailable offence. Only one state in India has declared it to be non bailabe and that also very recently. The sons of the rich people are exploiting this corrupt system. They are doing whatever they want and getting away because of money power. Even if they go to jail, their rich house are bribing the police and they always get out of jail. Even the court cases are being manipulated by power of money. When will this evil end and when will the govt be serious?

I am concerned

You may think that hey, he is a male. What does he understand about what the females feel? Believe me. I do feel. Thats why I started this blog.
My girlfriend is 17 and she has faced many such incidents. Now I have asked her not to go out at night. She was not willing to do this but after long talks and some fight I have convinced her not to go out at night. And just the night I stopped her, a girl was teased and done all on her on the road in which my girlfriend would have travelled in case she went out that night. I and my Girl friend feel so happy that we took the right decision. She now thanks me.
But my sister who is 7 now is growing up and I am very concerned about her. These boys do not care about the age. They are so violent and aggresive. I hove the government takes steps to prevent these things.

Female defence devices and methods

See, eve teasing is not only about Indian sub continent. It is also prevalent in many other countries. Hopefully there are many safety devices coming out which helps to get rid from a lot of problems. So, I list here the ones I find most importants. Do you have other ideas?
  1. The most important one is RUN.
  2. Then comes some self defense art though it is not that helpful as in most cases you are going to be attacked by more than one.
  3. Have an intelligent mind. Some cleverness can get you out of most troubles. What I mean keep your senses alert and flee beforehandwhen you sense trouble.
  4. Pepper sprays.
  5. Stun guns or batons.
  6. Pencil knife.
  7. Blow guns.

Points to remember for foreigners

A great number of foreigners visit India every year. But in recent times I have seen a rise in molestation of foreigners in India. Just in the last two weeks two such incidents of sexual harrasment and groping of girls took place in India. But don't fear. If you take proper notice of the points below you are sure to avoid such incidedents.
  1. Dress decently. Don't go with revealing clothes. No skin show, no cleavage, no bare backs.
  2. Avoid scantily populated lanes or parks. Always remain in populated ares.
  3. Don't toil into unknown places at night.
  4. Don't get involved in war of words with local people. Most of them are nice person and you will not be harmed but 1% of them is not good and may trouble you.
  5. Don't go out while drunk and avoid parting out for late nights.

But after all, ours is a nice nice country and all around the world is welcome to visit us. You will be surprised and happy that you took the decision to visit India.

What is eve teasing?

Eve teasing is the term used to define the evil practice of harrasment of females in a sexual way. Eve means female and teasing means to tease. Thus eve teasing is the process of teasing females. And I don't need to mention that the teasers are males. It is a very growing problem in the Indian subcontinent. In some areas it has gone to a very serious extent and needs to be tackled. There are many incidents popping up day in and day out in India. Of course, it does not mean that it is only prevalent in India. It is also very much prevalent in Pakistan, Bangladesh and others. the reason I am focussing on India is I am an Indian. And by what I am seeing and if the trends are to be believed then the future is not looking well. We need to take serious steps against this.